Mobile sa affiliate marketing kaise kare(full information)

Mobile Sa Affiliate Marketing Kaise Kare(Full Information)

mobile sa affiliate marketing kaise kare(full information)

Hello friends, do you really want to do affiliate marketing from mobile, if yes then let us tell you how to do affiliate marketing from mobile .

There are many people who do not have a laptop, like me, if they want to do affiliate marketing from their mobile phone, then this post is very beneficial for you!

How to start Affiliate marketing

Many people have a question in their mind that how to start an affiliate marketing business, people do not get the right path for this, that is why most of the people are not able to make a career in this field.

Today I am going to tell you about some such easy platform, which you can do affiliate marketing by using it very easily from your mobile.

You can do affiliate marketing from mobile using the platform given below!

How to start affiliate marketing on social media 

  1. Instagram 
  1.  Facebook

How To Do Affiliate Marketing On Instagram!

How To Do Affiliate Marketing On Instagram!

You all know that Instagram is considered to be the biggest and best social media platform in the world, 80% of the people in the world use Instagram!
Right now, all the big companies take the help of social media to promote their business. In this way, we can sell the products of big companies by doing affiliate marketing on social media!

So let's know how to do affiliate marketing on Instagram! Let us tell you that it is very easy to do affiliate marketing on this platform, you follow the tips given below!

1. Find Your Niche

First of all you have to choose your Niche, you see in which Niche you like to work!


● Health and Fitness
● Spirituality
● Business & Investment
● Relationship
● Animals & Pets
● Home and Garden

2. Create Your Account

After selecting your Niche, you have to create a Business Account of yours and convert it into a Professional Account according to your Niche and put the best Bio in the description of your account!

3. Create Post

After all this, you have to create a post, for this you can take the help of Canva app and post 3 to 4 posts daily on your account!

You have to keep one thing in mind that never copy someone else's post and post it on your account! If you do this then your account will not grow and Instagram will remove your account!

4. Do Hash Tag Research

Hash tag research is very important, if you upload a post without adding a hash tag, then your post will never go viral.

For this, you have to put the hash tag in the description of your post, you can use apps like Tagify , TailWind to do hash tag research, otherwise you can also do hash tag research yourself!

5. Grow Account

To grow your account, you have to post daily, put a story and you have to work patiently here, this will make your account grow very quickly, your followers will also start increasing.

When your followers start increasing and the post also starts going viral, after that you have to put a link of your product in your bio!

And you see, very soon you will start getting sales, in the same way you can earn money by doing affiliate marketing on Instagram!

How to do Affiliate Marketing on Facebook

How to do Affiliate Marketing on Facebook

Facebook is a very good social media platform, most people in the world use Facebook!
Most people start affiliate marketing from Facebook itself, because Facebook is very easy to use!

There is a very easy way to do affiliate marketing on Facebook!

1. Create Facebook Page

You make a page of your Niche and upload good posts on your page daily, you have to post 3 to 4 daily here and give information to the people!

It may take some time for your page to grow, you have to post daily on your page for 2 to 3 months, after that you will see that slowly your page will start growing and people will start joining your page!

As soon as people start joining your page, you have to promote your product only twice a week, this will give you a great sale!

Just like that, you have to work by creating your Facebook group and you can promote the product!

2. Find Facebook Group

You can also do affiliate marketing by joining a Facebook group!
This is a great option for you, because you'll already find a lot of people here, which will save you time!

You have to search the group related to your Niche and join the group, after that you have to give information to the people here every day and answer those who ask any question in the comment!

If you do this every day, people in the group will start believing in you, people will respect you as a coach, it will be of great benefit to you!

You have to promote your product along with answering the questions of the people, that's how people will believe in you and can buy your product too! Similarly, you can get good profits by doing Affiliate Marketing on Facebook!

Important Tips

When I started Affiliate Marketing, I also started with mobile, it took me a long time to get success in it, but I kept working patiently, learned a lot from my mistakes, after that I I have achieved success in this.


Today I have told you two easiest ways to do Affiliate Marketing from mobile, Affiliate Marketing is such a business, that it is very important for you to be patient in this! You may take some time to get success in this, if you work in it with patience, then you can become a successful Affiliate Marketer.

Similarly, visit our blog daily for more information and share it with your friends.
thank you.
Azhar Qureshi

This Is Azhar Qureshi from Pakistan. I am a Blogger , Content writer, SEO expert, Website Designer, Logo Mock-up expert etc. I also work as a freelancer on Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, PeoplePerHour etc.

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